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A 'HINT' to Get More Campers THIS Summer from Joanna Warren Smith

Keep Recruiting During the Summer!

I have been speechless so many times when parents have told me that they wanted their kids to have more camp in a particular summer, but they didn't know that they could sign up for more.

WHAT?  That makes no sense!  So, don't fall into the trap.  Yes, you are busy now with COVID stuff, but the name of the game is to max out the number of campers you can serve this summer.



  • Make it Easy for Resident Camp Parents. Send a 1-MESSAGE ONLY EMAIL when their child gets to camp that there are options to 'stay on' or return for a later session. COVID may preclude the former, but the latter is definitely an option.

  • Talk with Campers. Get a read from counselors of the kids who really want to stay on or return. Call their parents.

  • Adapt for Day Camps. Be certain that as a child's stay is concluding that the Extension or Return Option is easy. If possible, take advantage of Pick-Up and Drop-Off connections to help parents decide. Also, talk with campers to get their preferences.

Make this a priority and reap the financial benefits PLUS you will be setting the stage for a more successful recruitment year in 2022.

Want to talk? Call 760-619-3851 or email campconsulting@charter.net

(Note from Travis: We are so thrilled to be posting the always brilliant HINTS from camp consultant Joanna Warren Smith! If you don't already you should sign up to receive these HINTS in your email - in the left-hand column of Joanna's website: http://camp-consulting.com/)