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A Staff Benefits Package 'HINT' - Joanna Warren Smith

Everyone is Scrambling to Hire Summer Camp Staff!

In the COVID Survivor Boot Camp, the conference sessions I've done this fall and in my ACA Article, I have been advocating a BENEFITS PACKAGE for Counselor and Staff Applicants.

Directors embraced the concept and although there have been strong elements in each, no one has presented as complete and professional a package as I envision for applicants to view on line, download and likely, share with their parents.


  • Commit to a Professional Quality. When applicants view online or download your Benefits Package, they should be impressed by the layout, the visuals and your intention to convince them that working at your camp will help them develop critical life and career skills - essentially, the optimal internship. Use language that speaks to them and will impress their parents. Use colors that will translate well if a download recipient does not have a color printer. Select visuals that will grab attention and be intentional about every word you write and every headline you feature. Use your logo judiciously on each page/section. Utilize typefaces that compliment your logo and size appropriately. Confirm that each 'page' fits with the style and the intended impression. Send the final draft or Benefits Package link to your leadership team to confirm the presentation format and to secure their reactions for improvements. Ideally, your Benefits Package will include the following items in this intentional order, one topic on a page/segment. No information should be repeated except for contact options. Say it precisely and powerfully and be done with it. FYI, I prefer a horizontal format.

  • Reason for Working at Camp - Based on innumerable conversations with counselors and staff, the overwhelming motivator is to 'Make a Difference in a Kid's Life! Search for the best visual to make this page powerful.

  • Director Letter - An engaging photo of the director/s with a short, encouraging message with real first-name signatures is perfect. The culture of camp and the applicant's likely sense of belonging are appropriate topics. Encouraging them to speak (interview) with you via a 'pick your time' link is perfect. In fact, multiple placements of that information will benefit you. Provide direct access via cell phone and email. An all-staff pic will enhance this section.

  • Benefits and Quotes - Use any and all of the data/quotes collected from 734 counselors from geographic/program diverse camp populations throughout the country. Strongly convey that a summer camp job is the internship of a lifetime. Visuals of your camp counselors, especially with the quotes will give this section more weight. Here's the article link. ttps://www.acacamps.org/resource-library/camping-magazine/camp-staffing-we-can-avoid-crisis

  • Job Description - Be clear about dates of employment, specific role responsibilities, attitudinal expectations, time off, breaks, etc. The last line should always be 'and whatever else is necessary to make the experience the best it can be for our campers.'

  • Compensation - All camps that I've recently queried have indicated that salaries will be increasing this year. When you display compensation for a specific job, you have to determine whether it's best to only quote that amount or show the range to increase counselor retention with expected increases.

A professional Compensation Package will give you an edge in this competitive staffing market. You will convey to applicants that their jobs are critically important and that you are committed to their personal and professional development.

Need more? Give me a call!

Call 760-619-3851 or email campconsulting@charter.net

(Note from Travis: We are so thrilled to be posting the always brilliant HINTS from camp consultant Joanna Warren Smith! If you don't already you should sign up to receive these HINTS in your email - in the left-hand column of Joanna's website: http://camp-consulting.com/)