Joe Richards. Pearce Williams Executive Director and Camp Ahead & CampHacker podcaster.
Joe Richards
Camp Ahead & CampHacker podcaster
At which camp(s) were you a camper?
Kenesserie Camp
What camps have you worked at?
Kenesserie Camp
Woodeden Easter Seals Camp
Stevenson's Children's Camp
Canadian Adventure Camp
The Taylor Statten Camps
Pearce Williams Summer Camp and Retreat facility
Why is working at summer camp important to you?
Working at summer camp is important to me because it allows me to effect positive change in the lives of children and in the lives of youth who are our summer staff. Summer camp played a role in my life before I was even born and played many other roles in my life growing up. Camp allowed me to find my true self. Camp has allowed me to help hundreds of children and youth.
Who is a camp leader you look up to and why?
One of the first camp leaders that I looked up to was my camp director Joy. She was one of the quietest people I'd ever seen lead camp. And she was so effective at leading, even with that quiet leadership, that it made me realize there are so many things we can do differently: we don't always need to be a bombastic leader; we don't always need to be the leader in front.
Joy allowed me to discover leadership is a variety of skills for specific situations.
What was the first time you were noticed and appreciated by an adult that wasn't your parent?
When I was young at camp they would notice the smallest things that I did differently than other campers, and they would mention and point out how special that was. There was a camp staff named October who really talked to me like I was an adult even though I might have only been 11 or 12, and she really helped me understand that the world can be difficult but that numerous people are out there pulling for us.
Listen to Joe on the Camp Ahead podcast (and CampHacker!).