John Jorgenson - 5-Minute Fridays Instructor.
John Jorgenson
5-Minute Fridays
What Camps Have You Worked At?
Camp Chickigami - one week each year on a rented site; run by volunteers (including my father); served boys from economically-challenged families
Circle R Ranch – day camp and overnight camp; also a year-round outdoor education centre
Camp Tawingo – day camp and overnight camp; also a year-round outdoor education centre
Why is the work of summer camp important to you?
Camps are crucibles in which the lives of children are challenged, molded, and tempered to reveal their best elements and where children can become the best versions of themselves. We can find common elements across the world, celebrating what we share and celebrating how we differ. Each life journey is unique but together we can envision a time when the spirit of camp is reflected in the wider world.
Who is a camp leader you look up to and why?
My camp directors: John Russell and Jack Pearse. Each of these men shaped my growth and development. They saw beyond themselves. They demonstrated ways to support the wider community, to create opportunity for others, and to bring out the best in others.
What was the first time you were noticed and appreciated by an adult that wasn't your parent?
Scouter Roy (Akela) served in my town for as long as I can remember. He patiently showed me practical skills of knots, tents, fires but also what it meant to live in community and to love being outdoors. He provided space and a place for me to develop those same appreciations in others.
What hobbies do you enjoy outside of camp?
Canoeing, leatherwork, gardening, beekeeping,
What are you passionate about (besides summer camp)?
Building community amongst camps and camping professionals across the world.
What is something that not a lot of people know about you?
I have four siblings (three brothers and a sister) of whom I am very proud and whom I love. My wife and daughter are very important to me and they have enriched my life in countless ways.
What was your act in your camp's talent show?
I performed a complex slackline routine (with the rope so slack it lay on the floor…).
What's your favourite meal at camp?
Tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwich
Check out Jorgi in our 2021-22 5-Minute Fridays program